School of Travel, Food & Drink

Available at the following campuses:

What Our Students Say

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test 1

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Test 2

Did you know!

  • There are 41,219 jobs in Leeds’ hospitality and catering sector, which is predicted to grow by 3.3% by 2024. (EMSI, 2019)
  • There are 8,126 jobs in Leeds’ leisure, travel and related personal service, an increase of 1.8% compared to 2018. (EMSI, 2019)
  • By 2024, the city’s leisure, travel and related personal service labour markets are predicted to grow by 3.1%. (EMSI, 2019)

About School of Travel, Food & Drink

Welcome to the School of Travel, Food & Drink

The School of Travel, Food & Drink is home to two departments: Food & Drink and Travel & Tourism, resulting in a specialist offering based on industry needs and in-demand roles. From commis chef apprenticeship to air cabin crew diploma, each qualification is delivered by experienced tutors in first-class facilities and bespoke environments designed to prepare you for the next stage of your journey.

Each course combines practical and theoretical knowledge with creativity and stellar service, with added learning perks through the school’s established networks with local, national and global businesses.

Where will I learn?

The School is based at our Printworks Campus which is fully equipped with all you need to thrive on your chosen course. You will learn from experienced professionals, in first-class facilities and have access to all you need to access the next stage of your journey, be that employment or further study.


  • Air cabin simulator
  • World-class kitchens
  • Chocolate and cake decorating room
  • Commercial restaurant
  • One of the region’s largest butcheries
  • Student shop – where we sell your creations

To get an idea about where you could be learning, come to one of our open events and tour our extensive facilities.


We are committed to making sure all students and staff are protected from harm. All staff are trained in safeguarding and child protection, and our dedicated Safeguarding team is on hand for advice and support. Don’t stay silent, we are here for you.
Find out more

Employment Statistics

Average salaries of the careers in this subject area are:

  • Air travel assistants

    Average Salary
  • Aircraft maintenance and related trades

    Average Salary
  • Marketing associate professionals

    Average Salary