Adult & Community

What Our Students Say

“I decided to study at Leeds City College because I liked the equipment and the rooms that they had, and I liked how it was a whole new space – it had only recently been built so everything was brand spanking new and it looked really clean and really nice.”


“So the tutors are great for a number of reasons – they’re casual, you don’t feel like you’re being forced to do anything that’s uncomfortable, they’re not strict, they’ll have a laugh with you if you want to and they know how to get stuff done when they need to if we’re on a bit of a time crunch, but they also know how to have a bit of fun and not put pressure on you – and they’re great, they’re always there to give you information if you need it for at-home tasks and they’re always on Google Hangouts to message you if you need anything and they get back to you really quickly.”


“The tutors here, they are really interactive and they’re always there, even outside of lessons whenever you need something, we don’t go around calling everyone Sir or Miss, second names – we use first names for everything and there’s a more relaxed and friendly communication between the tutors and the students.”


Did you know!

  • Four students and teachers won at the Leeds Adult Learning Awards this year!
  • We are a ‘College of Sanctuary’ due to our support for the refugee community
  • Our ESOL Photography Club helps students grow together and express themselves through art

About Adult & Community

Our Adult and Community provision offers a selection of exciting courses for 19+ learners. These courses include part-time vocational courses, Access courses and hobby and leisure courses that are aimed at the local community. Whether you want to upskill, change career, professionally develop, or try something new, we have a course for you.

To get an idea of where you could be learning, come to one of our open events and tour our extensive facilities.

The ESOL department was rated Outstanding by Ofsted.

  • More than 2,000 learners each year develop their language skills and gain qualifications through this department.
  • The ESOL department was awarded the Pearson Award 2017 for FE team of the year.
  • The ESOL department has one of the highest achievement rates in the UK.


We are committed to making sure all students and staff are protected from harm. All staff are trained in safeguarding and child protection, and our dedicated Safeguarding team is on hand for advice and support. Don’t stay silent, we are here for you.
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