Entry to the Uniformed Services (540)

NCFE Diploma , Level 3
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What Our Students Say

“I want to become a police officer – that’s my biggest dream ever since I was little. I’ve never changed my mind, never wanted to go a different path – it’s always been that.
That’s why I joined here, because I can do the Apprenticeship after this Level 3 course. I’ve always wanted to do it and I’m chasing my dreams – I’m trying to make my family proud as well, not just myself, but I am making myself proud in the process and everyone here is helping so much.””


Did you know!

  • We are proud to be working in partnership with West Yorkshire Police and West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue.
  • In 2019 there were 10,269 jobs in Public Services in Leeds (Emsi).

Course Information


Challenge yourself to excel in the uniformed services with this programme. You’ll have lots of opportunity for practical experience such as riot training and fire service fitness tests.

Please note the Fees(Adult) may be free depending on student circumstances, please enquire for more information.


Are you looking for an alternative to A-Level Law, Psychology or

A course that includes a wide range of assessment methods with no formal end
of year exam?

This course offers you a wide range of progression options, the Level 3
Diploma will help you prepare for your chosen career in the emergency services
or armed forces, progress to university or a higher level apprenticeship.

With the support of the immersive experiences, we will enable you to find
your dream job. These will include gathering evidence on a mock crime scene,
taking part in outdoor activities, completing entry requirement fitness tests,
visiting military barracks and supporting the emergency services with training
for major incidents. We have also had guest speakers ranging from prison
officers, police officers, firefighters and victims of crimes.

VISIT our Instagram page, @LCC_Publicservices to find out about the trips,
visits and guest speakers we have had in this week!!

Video Transcript

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LCC School of Sport Alumni Video Transcript

1. Kelsey Gentles, PE Teacher and Sports Presenter
2. Sohail Raz, Cricket Development and Inclusion Officer, Yorkshire County Cricket
3. Hassan Hussain, Sports Lecturer at Leeds City College
4. Shannon Lacey, Sports Lecturer at Leeds City College
5. Harvey Whiteley, Development Coach, Leeds Rhinos Foundation
6. Conor Melia, Sports Operations Supervisor, Leeds Beckett University
7. Mia Stansfield, Personal Trainer and Class Instructor, JD Gyms
8. Jonny Dockerty, Sports Operations Manager, Leeds Beckett University

A man wearing black gym shorts, a t shirt and black gilet is in a sports hall, pulling a wide net across the hall to divide two tennis courts from one another.

Hassan and Shannon walk down a corridor side by side, both wearing black T shirts.

A man, Sohail, stands face-on to the camera wearing a long sleeved top emblazoned with the Yorkshire County logo, a white rose. He holds a cricket bat across his body.

Harvey stands on a sports field wearing a green Leeds Rhinos shirt with a yellow lanyard around his neck – he is smiling. In the next shot, he is standing with his back to the camera, in the centre of a semi-circle of six rugby players who are all wearing purple t-shirts and black shorts. Two of the players have their hands on their hips, one has his arms folded, and they are smiling.

Six people are walking down a staircase in a modern-looking building with cream walls, a red accent on the stairs. At the front of the group, one person, Jonny, wears a cream long-sleeved top while the others are all wearing black sportswear. There’s a small brown dog at the back of the group too.

There’s a long sports hall with a deep orange flooring, and white lines marked out like a track. In the centre of the shot is a person walking towards the camera wearing pristine white Nike trainers – only their legs are visible. As they walk towards the camera, they drop a black sports bag to the ground. In the next shot, we’re still in the same room, but we can see the back of a woman’s head as she ties up her fair hair in a ponytail. She wears a black t shirt with a white logo along the sleeves and a smartwatch on her wrist.

A voiceover starts:

Kelsey: My studies at Leeds City College taught me a lot actually about being an athlete – a lot of the

The next shot is a close-up of a woman, Kelsey, ready to start running on a track – her Nike trainers have a pink tick and are perfectly aligned to the starting line, and her hands are poised ready to go on the other side of the line. We next see her face on, still in the starting position, with her head up, and a determined and confident look on her face. She shifts her weight onto her back foot, raising herself up ready to start running.

Kelsey: a lot of the modules that I was studying at college, they coincided with what I was learning while I was

Kelsey is talking to the camera, stood outdoors in a sports field. There are rugby posts over her left shoulder. Then we see her again on the indoor track, starting her sprint with a rugby ball in her right hand. She runs quickly towards the camera as if she’s going to collide with it but adeptly swerves past it.

Kelsey: you know learning to be an athlete. My second year at College my tutor started encouraging me to go

We again see her trainers pounding the track. Next there is an agility ladder laid out flat on the track, and she darts between the ‘rungs’, skipping lightly across the track.

Kelsey: to university and I didn’t think I was going to go to university because nobody in my family had been,

Next Kelsey is walking across a sports field holding a rugby ball in the right hand, wearing a dark t shirt and shorts and a black backpack. We follow her past some fences and in the distances there are a number of sports courts. She walks confidently and swings her arms as she walks.

Kelsey: and it just wasn’t – I just didn’t think it was in the cards, but my tutors really did encourage me.

She talks directly to the camera, smiling.

Kelsey: I graduated last year and now I have a graduate job working in a school teaching PE to special educational needs children.

The next speaker is Sohail, who is sat in a sports hall. On the left of the screen, netting hangs behind him, and on the right are strip lights above a wall of bright windows. He has a long beard and wears a dark long sleeved shirt with a Yorkshire white rose logo.

Sohail: Studying at Leeds City College within them two years, the course itself was quite practical but there was also theory as well,

We see that Sohail is balancing a cricket bat across his lap. The bat has a green stripey handle, which slightly obscures the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation logo on his dark trousers.

Sohail: and a lot of the time we were in the classroom developing different types of skills so whether that was presentation skills,

Sohail walks through the sports hall that he was sat in, running his hands along the white netting that hangs from the ceiling – he moves it along like a curtain.

Sohail: learning about how the body works, about the coaching side of stuff.

He is sat down talking to the camera as before.

Sohail: My current role at the moment is the Diverse Communities Manager,

Now he is stood in the centre of a running track, and in slow motion he is crossing his arms and looking beyond the camera.

Sohail: and that’s what I’m doing now, so I’m kind of overseeing the work in Leeds and Bradford,

A close-up of a wicket: three black stumps with two yellow crosspieces (known as bails) balanced on top of them. The black stump nearest to the camera has a sunshine-like icon on it, next to the words ‘CHANCE TO SHINE’ and underneath it the word ‘STREET’. The central stump is plain and the furthest one is out of focus but appears to have the same wording as above.

In the next shot, a man is stood in a sports hall, with a basketball hoop high on the wall far behind him. He is holding a cricket bat that is a dark grey or black, and he wears a black sweatshirt. Both his shirt and the bat have the sunbeam logo and the words ‘CHANCE TO SHINE STREET’ on.

We see someone balance the crosspieces on the wicket from before.

In the next shot, the man is hitting a cricket ball that someone is bowling towards him, the bowler with his back towards the camera, and there’s a third man behind the wicket, knees bent and with his arms loose, ready to catch the ball. He hits the ball off camera and the wicket-keeper moves off-screen to fetch it.

Sohail: and the core, the core role is to try increase participation among the

Another man wearing a CHANCE TO SHINE STREET t shirt is walking towards the camera smiling, towards a man with his back to the camera who hands him the cricket bat.

We return to Sohail speaking directly to the camera.

Sohail: South Asian community and opening it up to, uh to different audiences as well now.

Two people walk down the staircase we saw before, with red accents and the numbers 1-4 marked out on the ceiling. They are Shannon and Hussan, who are both wearing black t shirts and black shorts. As they walk down the stairs they talk and smile at each other.

Hussan: Myself and Shannon, we’ve both been students at Leeds City College and now we’ve made the sort of transformation into a teaching role,

Hussan and Shannon are sat next to each other in a smart room that looks like a lecture theatre, with grey and yellow seating. Next they are walking down a clean white corridor, and Hussan is holding a folder.

Hussan: and through that I’m now working in my local community coaching young children.

There’s a wide shot on a beach of a crowd of people. It’s mostly children with some adults at the outskirts of the crowd. The people on the left of the crowd are wearing white t shirts with an indistinct logo on, while the others are wearing dark or coloured t shirts. In the centre of the crowd is a mascot, a big yellow dog wearing a blue cap and a blue uniform, although the details are obscured by someone standing in front of it. On the left of the crowd is a tall black flag with an unclear logo on it. The children at the front of the crowd are holding up some banners: one is a blue oval that reads ‘Wicketz’ (the K is made out of a colourful image of someone hitting a ball) and the next is also a blue oval, with the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation wording and icon of a white Yorkshire rose. Two of the children are also holding large posters that look like mock-ups of railway tickets, with orange borders and the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation logo.

We see a young person playing cricket on the beach, batting towards a group of other young people.

Shannon: By being a student enrolled within the Pez course, it gave me opportunities to coach and go into

Shannon is stood in front of a large screen which is filled with rows and columns of numbers, and behind a screen. The camera moves towards her and it’s clear that she’s speaking to someone we can’t see, gesturing with her hands.

Shannon: schools and deliver coaching sessions which has obviously benefited me now, teaching at Leeds City College

Now Hussan is stood at the front of a lecture theatre and we can see over his shoulder at a screen, like he’s giving a presentation. A handful of people are dotted around the lecture theatre, leaning forward and watching whatever he has put on screen. In the next shot, the same people who were listening to Hussan have raised their hands as if in response to a question he has asked. One of them answers the question so the rest of the group lower their hands while he explains. We return to a close-up of Hussan, still in the lecture theatre, using his hands to emphasise his point. We see two of the students from the lecture hall laughing.

Shannon: because I’m teaching on coaching courses – so I already have that firsthand experience within

We return to Hussan and Shannon addressing the camera directly, sat in the lecture theatre.

Shannon: schools that I can then pass on to our students and they can hopefully achieve similar opportunities that I have.

The next shot is Harvey. He’s sat down outdoors at a grey table, with a glass wall behind him. Behind the wall we can see a running track, and in the distance some people are stood on a sports field. Harvey is wearing a green Leeds Rhinos t shirt with a yellow lanyard.

Harvey: I’m currently the Head Coach at the Leeds Rhinos Development Academy where students

We see Harvey stood up on a green sports field, addressing a large group of young people who are sat cross-legged on the ground in front of him. They’re all wearing various sports kit. In the next shot, we see the same group from the back, so Harvey is stood in front of them and we see that there are a number of other adults stood up with him too, like a team of coaches.

Harvey: can study alongside playing. What I really enjoy about my role now is that it’s it’s very varied,

Next is a shot of Harvey stood by himself on a field, throwing and catching a rugby ball, and on the second throw he spins it and catches it.

Harvey: it’s different day to day and different times, so I could be going into a school delivering

A low shot of a field, where we can only see Harvey’s legs and trainers as he runs past the camera. Next we see him in full-length, holding a rugby ball and running past the camera with a face of concentration – he reaches out towards the camera as if to block a tackle. Then he’s stood on a field with an imposing glass-fronted modern building behind him, spinning a rugby ball on one finger, the camera panning round him.

Harvey: Rugby League, inviting them to their local clubs and then bringing them to their local clubs and

We return to Harvey sat down, speaking directly to the camera.

Harvey: coaching them there as well. When I think back to when I was studying at Leeds City College as a

Now Harvey is stood in front of a semicircle of rugby players with his back to the camera. The players are wearing purple shirts and black shorts, one with his arms folded and some with their hands on their hips. Harvey is gesturing as he talks. The players move out of the semi-circle and one of them reaches over to shake Harvey’s hand, and once he moves off Harvey offers a thumbs-up to them.

We return to Harvey sat down, speaking directly to the camera.
Harvey: student, I was delivering practicals, planning events, planning sessions, working with a variety of ages and abilities, um and thinking about now – it’s what, it’s what I actually do now as my job –

Harvey is alone on the sports field, running past the camera with the rugby ball – he drops it down so that he can kick it. From behind, we see him take the kick over the goal.

Harvey: it’s all the skills that I’ve learned throughout the college,

We return to Harvey sat down, speaking directly to the camera.

Harvey: throughout them three years of studying, I’m actually using day to day, in my life as work.

Conor addresses the camera. He is sat down outside, in front of a wide building with orange panels. He is wearing a black t-shirt with a black bodywarmer over it, embroidered with a logo.

Conor: When I was 16 and I was enrolling in at Leeds City College,

He walks across a sports field in front of a modern looking glass-fronted building, with a square atrium jutting out on the top floor, with orange panelling around it.

Conor: I felt like there was a lot of pressure – I didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do

Conor is now sat down in an office, looking over at a woman who is in front of a computer screen. Her hair is pulled back and she’s wearing large glasses and a black t-shirt. He says something inaudible to her and they both laugh.

Conor: and I actually ended up just copying my mates, what they were doing, from my high school.

The angle changes so we can now see the back of Conor’s head as he looks at a computer screen, and in the background we see two wall-mounted televisions playing football games. A man approaches his computer screen, smiling, and takes off a pass on a lanyard and hands it to Conor.

Conor: I knew that I wanted to be in sport and I wasn’t too sure what I wanted to do though

We now see Conor from the front, as he takes the pass, scans it and now clicks on a mouse.

Conor: so I ended up just jumping on a course, which was sport, not knowing anything about it.

We return to Conor’s interview, sat in front of the orange building.

Conor: Looking back now it was the best decision I could have made,
Conor walks briskly across a patio and down some stairs, at the top of which is a signpost in purple. The building is long and low, with a small patch of grass in front of it.

Conor: it gave me the best opportunity to come and work in the sports facility.

He enters a large room with a swimming pool – the water and the far wall are a bright blue, and there are red, white and blue flags hung from the ceiling. He walks along the side of the pool.

Conor: I’ve never been an academic sort of guy, I’m more of a hands-on sort of person

We return to his interview.

Conor: and my tutors led me down the right path so I had more of a hands-on work placement and that’s when

Conor is walking along the side of the pool, this time with something in his hands – a long tube with a bottle at the end. He crouches down to the edge of the pool and inserts the bottle into the pool, presumably to test the water. He brings the bottle up out of the water, now filled.

Conor: I started my work placement at Leeds Beckett University.

We are now listening to Mia talking. Her interview takes place in a gym, with light grey walls and gym equipment suspended from the ceiling, straps and hoops used for bodyweight exercises. There are bright mulitcoloured strip lights suspended from the ceiling. Mia is wearing a grey tank top and wears her long blonde hair down. As she talks, the ceiling lights change colour.

Mia: Since qualifying from Leeds City College I’ve gone into personal training, so I’ve worked at Pure Gym, JD Gyms.

We see Mia lifting weights, holding a grey bar with red and black weights and lifting it up from the floor to above her head, and over her head to rest on her shoulders. She wears a confident, determined expression.

Mia: After about a year of working in a mainstream gym I decided I want to go on off on my own,

She now reaches up to a green handle on a pulley, pulling it down to her side – it looks like a ski machine.

Mia: to do my own online personal training, so I

Next is a close up of her grey Adidas trainers on a pedal as she cycles on a stationary bike

Mia: created my own brand Flexi Fitness. So the course at Leeds City College really helped with the basics of personal training,
The camera pans around the stationary bike and we see her feet and legs pedalling.

Mia: it goes quite in depth with anatomy, which helped a lot when thinking

Now we see her sat on the bike, lit up in the dark gym, and she wears the same calm, confident and determined expression as she cycles. She stands up on the pedals and leans her weight forwards.

Mia: about clients – when you first get someone that doesn’t know what they’re doing, um how the body works, etc,

As the camera wheels around her, we see her from the back on the bike, and in front of her are two other people also on stationary bikes, pedalling with exertion.

We return to Mia’s interview.

Mia: and when I went into personal training I managed to expand that knowledge into what I wanted to do specific to that client.

We now meet Jonny. He is sat in a white-walled office, and behind him on the wall are six large frames, each containing a piece of sportswear. One is a blue and yellow tank top, one tanktop is orange and white, and one is a blue sports jersey. Along the top row, only partially in frame, are three more jerseys – one grey, one blue, and one white with signatures on. Jonny wears a black t-shirt and bright blue lanyard, and has short curly brown hair. He talks quickly and authoritatively.

Jonny: Thinking about the course that I studied: multifaceted,

Next we see Jonny in a pale button-down shirt, leading a group of four people in dark blue sweatshirts through a white hallway, and he talks and laughs with the woman next to him as he walks.

Jonny: so we did various qualifications, NPRQ, Community Sports Leaders Awards, Fitness Awards, Health and Safety –

Jonny is now sat at a table in a conference room with a group of people, and he has a laptop open in front of them. Through the large glass windows of the conference room a sports field is visible. The camera pans further into the room and two more people become visible, again with a laptop open in front of them.

Jonny: so going into industry it was vital because you can drop straight in there and you’ve got different areas of knowledge that you can pull on,

A close up of Jonny in the boardroom, speaking to the man next to him

Jonny: to make sure that you can cover all aspects of the operation.

Next we see Jonny from behind, stood in a large sports hall – in the background we can see a large purple banner reading ‘Leeds Beckett’ with a white rose logo. He is talking to two women, both with their hair scraped into tall buns, one in a white t shirt and the other in black. He motions with his hand towards the back of the hall. Now a close up of the sleek grey laptop in Jonny’s hand.

Jonny: I’m forever grateful for the opportunity for the sports course I did because they give me a chance,

We return to Jonny’s interview and he talks animatedly with his hands.

Jonny: did Leeds City College, and it’s armed me with loads of different skills,

A shot of a man in a Leeds Beckett logo-ed t shirt, with collar-length hair and a beard, smiling and gesturing in front of a laptop. Now the camera moves to include Jonny and another man, smiling as they listen to the first man talking.

Jonny: not just say from a working day to day, it’s that it’s developed me as a person and gave me

Jonny leads a group of three people in sportswear down a red and white staircase as the woman next to him gestures as she talks.

We return to Jonny’s interview.

Jonny: like really good attributes – if I’d not done that course, I wouldn’t be sat in this chair today.

The video ends with a green screen emblazoned with the Leeds City College, School of Sports Science & Exercise logo.

Who is this course for?

If you are looking for an alternative route to A levels without the stress of exams and want to take the next steps towards a career in the uniformed services, then this is the course for you. Study in industry-standard facilities and use our emergency services and armed forces connections to prepare you for progression to your dream job.

Course units/modules

  • Preparing for a Career in a Chosen Uniformed Service
  • Developing Aspects of Physical Fitness for Entry to the Uniformed Services
  • Developing Leadership Skills
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Map Reading and Navigation across Open Country
  • Understanding the Impact of War and Conflict on the Uniformed Services
  • Crime Scene Investigation

Benefits and skills

  • FREE travel pass, meal credit and study resources for any student eligible for the learner support fund
  • Opportunity to have part time work alongside your course with a timetable that doesn't require you to be in college from Monday to Friday
  • Opportunity to build a network within the community, emergency services and armed forces
  • Immerse yourself in emergency situations such as riots and outdoor pursuits
  • Meet active personnel to support your application and gain a great understanding of the roles you are interested in

Entry requirements

Two GCSEs at grade 4 including English and maths.

Available Apprenticeships and Progression options

The Level 3 qualification offers a wide range of progression opportunities. The majority of our learners apply for the West Yorkshire Police Degree Apprenticeship Scheme or apply for a range of university courses. Following completion of the course many learners have been successful with application in the Armed Forces, Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Prison and Probation Service and Fire and Rescue Services across the county.

NCFE Level 3 Introductory Certificate for Entry to the Uniformed Services

UCAS Points:

  • Distinction*: 28
  • Distinction: 24
  • Merit: 16
  • Pass: 8

NCFE Level 3 Diploma for Entry to the Uniformed Services (540)

UCAS Points:

  • Distinction*: 84
  • Distinction: 72
  • Merit: 48
  • Pass: 24

NCFE Level 3 Diploma for Entry to the Uniformed Services (720)

UCAS Points:

  • Distinction*: 112
  • Distinction: 96
  • Merit: 64
  • Pass: 32

NCFE Level 3 Extended Diploma for Entry to the Uniformed Services

UCAS Points:

  • Distinction*: 168
  • Distinction: 144
  • Merit: 96
  • Pass: 48

Police Officer - As a police officer, you will uphold law and order through the detection, prevention, and investigation of criminal activity. Your role will encompass tasks such as working alongside communities, conducting patrol duties, interviewing suspects, and diffusing volatile situations. You may choose to specialise in a specific area such as drugs, child protection, fraud, or traffic. You will need to have strong communication skills including empathy, tact, and diplomacy. In addition, you will be good at solving problems and able to work well within a team.

Other careers could include:

  • Border Force Officer
  • Soldier
  • Ambulance Technician
  • Call Handler
  • Police Special Constable
  • Royal Marine Commando
  • Paramedic
  • Scene of Crime Officer
  • Probation Officer

Course details

Duration: 1 year full-time (NCFE Diploma); 2 years full-time (Extended Diploma)
Start Date: 16/09/2024
Fees (16-18): No fee
Study Type: Full time
Course Code: 73139-01
Fees (Adult): £2,573

Please note that for all courses starting on 9th September, there will be an induction week, WC 2nd September.

Employment Statistics

  • Public services associate professionals

    Average Salary
  • Office managers

    Average Salary

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