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Course Information
If you have a passion to start a career in Accounting this T-Level offers an exciting alternative to A levels and Apprenticeships. The T-Level will help you to develop an understanding of a broad range of issues relevant to the sector, Elements of the course will include : fundamentals of financial accounting, allowing you to gain understanding of elementary financial principles, concepts and practices and how this content links to relevant accounting, bookkeeping, and business mathematics requirements.
Professionalism and ethics elements of the course ensure you will gain a high-level understanding of professional conduct and responsibilities in the workplace and ethical dilemmas for the individual, organisation and professional. Data driven innovation and analytics, design thinking, raising your awareness of key requirements of a data governance framework. Understanding the main contemporary visualisation tools and when they are best used to support decision making are also key factors of the course.
The course is delivered over two academic years and will include classroom based learning and 45 days of industry placement.
T Levels are relatively new courses which l follow on from GCSEs. They are equivalent to three A levels. These two-year courses have been developed in collaboration with employers and businesses so that on completion you will have the skills and knowledge that are perfectly aligned with the needs of the accountancy industry and will be ready to work within a skilled role.
There will be trips and visits throughout the course to a range of industry partners working within Business and Accountancy.
This qualification offers learners a fantastic opportunity to learn important theoretical knowledge of how an accountancy function operates alongside departments within a business. Learners will be gaining hands-on experience in the workplace, to ensure they can have a meaningful impact when they progress into the world of work. This course has been developed alongside leading employers for students who desire to work in the accountancy field and is designed to help build the required knowledge, skills and behaviours for the sector.
Who is this course for?
The course is for ambitious 16-18 year old's who want to pursue full-time education in a Further Education setting, but still want to develop the key business knowledge and skills that will support pursuing a career in accounting.
Course units/modules
Core Components - will focus on the knowledge and understanding of contexts, concepts, theories and principles relevant to accounting and will develop awareness of the key areas that impact the financial sector.
Underpinning knowledge includes:
- The business environment
- Careers within the finance and accounting professions
- Regulation
- Professionalism and ethics/equality, diversity and inclusion
- Security and risk
- Professional services
- Fundamentals of law
- Fundamentals of financial accounting
- Technology
- Data driven innovation/analytics and design thinking
- Research skills
- Project/change management and administration
- Fundamentals of financial accounting (accounting pathway content).
Employer Set Project guidelines follow the specialism for Assistant Accountant. Students will be given an overarching scenario to set the scene and individual tasks stimulus to cover all the skills and AOs.
These are:
- Task 1: complete calculations and produce a situational analysis using primary sources
- Task 2: plan collaboratively, work independently using secondary sources to create summaries and deliver a presentation
- Task 3: produce a report and review financial documents
- Task 4: produce a report for internal stakeholders
- Task 5: review how well you have performed.
The Occupational Specialism covers the knowledge and skills required to demonstrate threshold competence for the specialism. The Occupational Specialism is assessed by a skills-related project that synoptically assesses the Performance Outcome skills and associated underpinning knowledge.
Elements of the occupational specialism to be evidenced could include:
- Produce and analyse a trial balance
- Prepare primary financial statements
- Analyse business performance and present results
- Provide support to tax and audit functions
- Prepare computations for payroll
Benefits and skills
You will complete a minimum of 45 days industry experience where you will be fully integrated into a local employer, gaining real work skills and experience that will kick start your CV or university application.
You will develop sector specific skills that will help you gain employment after completing the course including maths, English and digital skills.
You will gain industry skills through exciting live project work in an employer setting.
Entry requirements
5 GCSEs at grade 5 or above, including English and maths.
Available progression options
- You will have the opportunity to progress to university, with excellent real life experiences to use in your application.
- Progression to a higher education course at our University Centre Leeds.
- Progression to an apprenticeship at Level 4 AAT
- Completing this T Level, will support progression to an array of accountancy job opportunities or apprenticeships in a range of private and public business organisations.
Available apprenticeships and progression options
Progression opportunities for successful students are in full-time employment in the accounting industry. Level 4 advanced apprenticeship in accounting. Students can also progress to University to study an accounting degree. Further qualification opportunities through Association Accounting Technicians (AAT) these qualifications are high recommended by the accounting industry.
Assessment types
Year 1 consists of two exams and an employer-set project.
Year 2 consists of an occupational specialist assignment based project in marketing.
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