INTERVIEWEES – ALEC BESSANT – Programme manager Mechanics (SPEAKING) & MATT COGGINS – Deputy Head of Motor Vehicle (SPEAKING)
Scenery – A student is putting on PPE including a helmet and gloves.
Scenery – A tutor opens a tool box.
Alec Bessant – “Hi I’m Alec the programme manager for the motor vehicle department at Leeds City College.”
Scenery – A student is using a multimeter to test an electric vehicle battery under the guidance of a tutor.
Alec Bessant – “The development of the electric vehicle qualification is constantly evolving. The different awarding bodies are introducing different levels that can cater for the needs of the industry. What were finding is that we’re as a college we’re continuously working with these awarding bodies to make sure that the levels that we can offer some of the learners and the students that are attending the course here are able to get the most up to date training for the electric vehicle and it’s not just about the electric vehicle it’s about the hybrid vehicle and other renewable methods of propelling the motor vehicle.”
Scenery – A student safely isolates an electric vehicle battery
Scenery – A student is using a multimeter to test an electric vehicle battery under the guidance of a tutor.
Scenery – A shot of signs indicating the danger of the electric vehicle being worked on.
Matt Coggins – “I’m Matthew Coggins and i’m the deputy head of motor vehicle at Leeds City College.”
Scenery – A tutor is guiding a student to remove a battery cover in the engine bay.
Matt Coggins – “To see people who aren’t that confident come into college and then blossom or bloom as they transfer through the year and generate skills and demonstrate the skills that they need to go into the industry is a fantastic feeling as a tutor.”
Scenery – A student is lifting a battery assembly onto a workbench supervised by a tutor.
Scenery – A tutor is explaining the different components to the student.
Matt Coggins – “Just to see the abilities grow and the confidence grow in that person as well it’s a great feeling you know you’ve done your job well when that happens.”
Matt Coggins – “With the advent of sort of the electric vehicles coming into the motor vehicle arena when we looked at purchasing a lot of the training equipment we had, we were one of the first in the area to develop that side of the education that we offer.”
Scenery – A shot of electric vehicle training equipment
Matt Coggins – “ We purchased vehicles, specialist equipment, specialist training facilities as well so yeah we’re well places to continue delivering level 1,2 and 3 electric vehicle training which we have been doing for the police and other local authorities and the garages in the area.”
Scenery – A student working on a hybrid engine while being guided by a tutor
Alec Bessant – “The tools and the equipment in the workshop have been constantly updated to make sure that the training that we deliver meets what the industry needs and what the industry expects of learners leaving the training environment and going actually out into industry.”
Alec Bessant – “We’re looking to constantly upskill the staff and give the learners the exposure to the different enrichment activities so the exposure to the actual modern garage environment where learners are looking at for example different electric vehicles, different propulsion methods but also the how some of the hybrid vehicles from a mild hybrid up to a full hybrid is actually benefiting them so when they do go into industry they’re fully conversant and fully understand what each of the different vehicles mean.”
Scenery – Students working on electric vehicle parts under the supervision of a tutor
End Slide – Leeds City College (School of Engineering Logo)
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