Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Practitioner

Apprenticeship , Level 4
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What Our Students Say

“The decision that made me pick between here and other places was when I came to the open day everyone was just really friendly and open, and it just felt like a really welcoming environment to be in.”


“I decided to study at Leeds City College because I liked the equipment and the rooms that they had, and I liked how it was a whole new space – it had only recently been built so everything was brand spanking new and it looked really clean and really nice.”


“So the tutors are great for a number of reasons – they’re casual, you don’t feel like you’re being forced to do anything that’s uncomfortable, they’re not strict, they’ll have a laugh with you if you want to and they know how to get stuff done when they need to if we’re on a bit of a time crunch, but they also know how to have a bit of fun and not put pressure on you – and they’re great, they’re always there to give you information if you need it for at-home tasks and they’re always on Google Hangouts to message you if you need anything and they get back to you really quickly.”


Did you know!

  • 86% of employers said apprenticeshipsdeveloped skills relevant to their organisationand 78% reported improved productivity.
  • 90% of apprentices stay on in their place ofwork after completing an apprenticeship.
  • An apprenticeship allows you to diversify andfreshen up your workforce.

Course Information


Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability (CR&S)Practitioners are found in all industries and areincreasingly a key component of virtually all types ofbusiness models where profit and growth are ameans to an even greater end, such as protectingthe environment and improving societalsustainability.


The broad purpose of the
apprenticeship is to help innovate and drive
ambitions for social and environmental change and
make these a reality that are embedded and
implemented across the organisation.
This apprenticeship will be delivered through a
mix of college and work-based learning.
Apprentices will also have regular meetings with
the assessor who will also involve their manager
in regular progress reviews.

Who is this course for?

Those wanting to support making a social and environmental change. Anyone wanting to continue learning whilst working in a job.

Course units/modules

  • Being able to own and deliver initiatives and campaigns that contribute to the Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability (CR&S) strategy of your organisation
  • Being able to act as the key business contact in your organisation on CR&S by actively engaging with community organisations in order to drive social and environmental impact
  • Being able to identify relevant social and environmental risks to the business and engage internal and external stakeholders
  • Being able to recognise risks to your organisation’s corporate reputation, whether through action or inaction, recommending actions to remedy the issue.

Entry requirements

The employer will agree to entry requirements for these apprenticeships. Apprentices without level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the End-Point Assessment. For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement, the apprenticeship’s English and maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. A British Sign Language (BSL) qualification is an alternative to the English qualification for those whose primary language is BSL.

Available Apprenticeships and Progression options

Further progression within your organisation such as Corporate Responsibility (cr) Administrator.

Assessment types

The end-point assessment takes place at the end of the apprentice’s learning and development - approximately 30 months of on-programme learning. It will consist of a portfolio creation, professional discussion, and delivering a work-place project followed by a report and presentations with questions and answers. All is carried out after the apprentice has met the required criteria to pass the gateway process. The apprenticeship is graded a pass, distinction or fail based on the apprentice’s performance in the end- point assessment.

Course details

Duration: 36 months
Course Code: 78592-01

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