Performing and Production Art Industry Skills in Musical Theatre

BTEC , Level 2
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What Our Students Say

“Before I came to Leeds City College, I was in school, I was in such a bad way at school, skiving lessons all the time, teachers always on my case, getting kicked out numerous times almost. So I applied for here just hoping to get on a course, I got accepted – it was entry Level 3. Dave was my tutor and I couldn’t have asked for anyone better as a tutor, because he just helped me. He helped me with every regard, with Maths and English, workshop work, the theory side of the workshop work – telling me how everything is and showing me what’s what.”


“So the tutors are great for a number of reasons – they’re casual, you don’t feel like you’re being forced to do anything that’s uncomfortable, they’re not strict, they’ll have a laugh with you if you want to and they know how to get stuff done when they need to if we’re on a bit of a time crunch, but they also know how to have a bit of fun and not put pressure on you – and they’re great, they’re always there to give you information if you need it for at-home tasks and they’re always on Google Hangouts to message you if you need anything and they get back to you really quickly.”


I think I’ve really enjoyed the fact that I’ve had to make new friendships, especially because I didn’t know anyone coming in – but after the first few weeks I think I’ve adapted to it really well.


Did you know!

  • English and maths will be built into your course if your grades are below 4.
  • We provide full-time arts education to over 1,000 students every year, from level 1 through to BA Honours degrees. If you are successful in gaining a place on one of our specialist courses, we will work with you to develop your creative skills and prepare you for the next big step – either to university, drama school, art college or the world of work.

Course Information


Let your career take centre stage as you gain professional musical theatre skills and industry experience. You’ll be given the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge within contemporary and jazz dance styles, singing and vocal techniques alongside exploring acting skills. With all these combined, you will apply them to a variation of musicals, performing in different spaces throughout the year and executing your final performance in the Chroma-Q Theatre.

You will focus on various styles and techniques, choreograph performance work and collaborate with other disciplines, all of which will prepare you for the working world or progression onto level 3.

You will learn how to

  • Develop skills in Dance styles and techniques with Musical Theatre
  • Explore professional development needs
  • Develop and create a collaborative performance
  • Present an audition portfolio
  • Apply your skills to a performance


Video Transcript

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Interviewee – Dan. Student, Level Three Musical Theatre (SPEAKING).


Music – An upbeat instrumental with simple drums and an uplifting guitar melody plays.


Scenery –  A tutor with a warm, fair complexion, highlighted brown hair, and a clear full-face mask sits at a piano; he plays to a group of learners as they sing. The camera cuts and pans across a bright white rehearsal suite as the learners sit cross-legged with their lyric sheets and chat. The camera cuts to show the learner’s perspective as they watch the tutor stand and speak while gesturing animatedly with his hands. The camera cuts to a student sitting in a light grey room; he has a fair complexion, sandy blonde hair and short, light facial hair. He speaks with a Yorkshire Accent.


Music – A new guitar riff begins. The instrument continues.


Speaker: Dan – “Hi, my name’s Dan. I’m studying Level Three Musical Theatre at Leeds City College…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to Dan, standing with his hands on his hips and a look of deep concentration in the rehearsal suite. A tutor with wavy hair half-tied in a bun and clear full-face PPE animatedly demonstrates arm movements to him as he nods. The camera cuts to a piano music sheet book with burgundy text on the cover that reads “Moulin Rouge”. Behind the book, the tutor plays the piano and looks to his right in communication. The camera cuts to a row of water bottles and sheet music on the floor, and learners stand behind them, singing in unison. As the camera rises, more students, including Dan, come into view.


Speaker: Dan – “I decided to study at Leeds City College becuase it was recommended to me by my old performing arts teacher. Erm, we went there on one of the opening evenings, erm, and I just really liked the atmosphere. I really enjoyed it – I thought the facilities were amazing. Um, and yeah, it was just a really positive vibe that, like, drew me to it, erm, in comparison to other colleges…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to Dan and a group of learners rehearsing choreography together. Dan makes an exaggerated drinking motion before moving into an intricate arm and hand sequence. The camera cuts to the same group of learners wearing period costumes, performing the same sequence on stage with a large red velvet curtain projected on a screen in the background. The camera cuts to the same stage; a learner stands on a chair as others surround and clamour to reach while shaking their outstretched hands. The camera cuts back to Dan.


Music – A new guitar riff begins.


Speaker: Dan – “Now that I’m a student, er, on this course, erm, I think it’s important for people that are wanting to apply to know that they’ve got to put in 100% effort at all times…” 


Scenery – The camera focuses on a learner with long brown hair tied in a high ponytail and a pale, peach-toned complexion. Rehearsing a performance, she looks distressed as another learner’s hand is on her throat. With a hand on her throat, the learner pushes the brown-haired learner backwards in a fluid, choreographed motion before she rises forwards, falls to the floor and then turns around to perform a slap that becomes a spin and lift. 


Music – The uplifting instrumental loops and continues.


Speaker: Dan – “Erm, they need to be very aware of communicating with their tutors, erm, and they also need to actually want to do well. They need to strive for themselves, or else there’s no point in joining the course…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to a group of learners standing and singing. To the front of the group, a learner with light brown hair tied in long plaits holds a lyric sheet as she sings. The camera zooms and focuses on her as she reads her page. The camera cuts to the tutor with wavy hair tied in a half bun as she guides a class of learners and exaggeratedly points and gestures to clusters of two or three learners. 


Music – The uplifting instrumental loops and continues.


Speaker: Dan – “I think I’ve really enjoyed the fact that I’ve had to, like, make new friendships. Erm, especially cos I didn’t know anyone coming in. Erm, but the first few weeks, I kind of adapted to it really well. And, just learning new material, and going through it, and changing every week and just getting better and better and developing my skills…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to students performing on a dark stage. They hold torches and slowly lift them towards the sky as the camera tilts towards the ceiling and spotlights. The camera cuts to Dan performing on the same stage. He sits at a small wooden desk behind a prop typewriter and earnestly speaks to the off-screen audience. The camera cuts to Dan talking animatedly on stage with three students; a fourth approaches. To his left, a student with long brown hair, wearing a light brown hat and holding a prop newspaper, looks up and joyfully smiles while turning to him. The camera cuts to the student in the brown hat, energetically speaking and turning to other learners in character on the stage. The camera cuts back to Dan.


Music – The upbeat instrumental continues.


Speaker: Dan – “And obviously working really well with my tutors that are really supportive, and we just have a laugh. It’s like, a really nice atmosphere…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to the learner holding papers and wearing a brown hat as she laughs gleefully and looks off-screen. In the background, Dan sings with his right arm outstretched while another student looks up at him. A projector screen with a black-and-white image of an old room and desk is visible behind them. The camera cuts to Dan and a learner with brown hair sitting on a safe draped in red velvet. She wears a long black and yellow silk robe and looks at Dan with a joyful expression. Dan looks shocked and clutches her as they both stand together, looking off-screen. The camera cuts to a student with a pale complexion, wearing red shorts, a beige shirt and a waistcoat as she walks forward and sings with her arms outstretched. She turns to show a black and silver walking cane in her left hand and a monocle in her eye.


Music – The upbeat instrumental continues.


Speaker: Dan – “I think the facilities, like I’ve said, are like, really fantastic. Erm, the studios are huge, and there’s so many of them…” Dan laughs.


Scenery – A raised camera angle focuses on sheet music propped on the piano and a hand playing the keys. To the front of the piano, a group of students sit cross-legged on the floor and sing enthusiastically. The camera zooms in on the group as they continue to sing while emphasising their mouth shape. The camera cuts to a stage performance. The learner in the black and yellow robe stands to face a learner who wears a pale grey top hat and bends down to kiss her hand. A red flower is visible in her hair; she smiles and nods. 


Speaker: Dan – “Erm, and that’s great for moving about the space and getting used to it, erm, and they offer Chromebooks for students that, um, don’t have access to technology to do the coursework at home. So it’s like, really beneficial…” 


Scenery – The camera cuts to a deep red stage. The student with a red flower in her hair wears shorts and a frilly top and sings while gesturing her hands to either side and walking forward. Behind her, another learner sings behind an old-fashioned microphone. The camera cuts and focuses on a learner wearing a red velvet blazer and top hat with a subtle microphone headset. She has pale, warm-toned skin and blonde hair and sings with her arms outstretched while looking, then clapping, at a student who stands with his back towards the camera. The camera cuts back to Dan as he speaks enthusiastically.


Music – The instrumental quietens, and guitars continue to play the melody.


Speaker: Dan – “I think that the tutors at Leeds City College, er, you can get along really well with them. There’s mutual respect, and they ensure that we know what we’re doing at all times. And there is humour about it because it’s-that builds a positive, like, environment to work in…”


Scenery – The camera focuses on a hand holding a script. Notes and coloured page separators are visible. A white separator on the open page has black text reading “spectacular spectacular”. The camera slowly zooms out to show the tutor with wavy hair tied in a half bun holding the script and speaking; a group of learners listen carefully and move. The camera cuts to the same tutor and group. She claps her hands energetically as two pairs of learners rehearse intricate, contemporary fight and dance choreography. As the camera zooms out, another learner comes into the frame; she performs a pirouette into a stride forward. The camera cuts back to Dan. 


Music – The uplifting instrumental returns to its original form.


Speaker: Dan – “Erm, but on top of that, they are quite strict, but that’s only because they want the best of us. Erm, they want us to be working at 100% at all times…”


Scenery – Cut to the tutor’s hands as he plays the piano fervently, moving up the keys. The camera cuts to a student with fair, rosy-toned skin and long brown hair in a plait as she sings from a script. A tutor sits in the background and observes. The camera cuts to a student with dark blonde hair in a plait as she walks forward. She dramatically turns her neck to look towards a learner with blonde hair in a high bun who spins and grabs her face to turn her. The camera cuts to another angle of the same choreography with different learners. One of the learners places her hand across her partner’s face, stares at her closed eyes, and pulls her closer. 


Speaker: Dan – “Erm, They don’t want us to be lacking, and they’re preparing us for an industry that needs that. Like, you know what I mean? Like, it needs-it needs people to put all their effort in.”


Scenery – The camera cuts to a tutor moving her hands enthusiastically, nodding and speaking as she walks through a rehearsal studio of learners standing behind chairs. The camera cuts to a learner with cropped blonde hair and dark makeup as she pirouettes four times and looks directly into the camera. The camera cuts to the tutor with wavy hair and full-face PPE as she energetically guides and instructs a group of students practising contemporary, dance and fight choreography. The camera cuts to a learner on stage with long wavy brown hair and a fair complexion as she passionately performs and sings. The camera cuts to a bright, fiery orange stage as a learner with black hair and a deep brown complexion looks up and dances with raised hand and arm choreography. Other learners circle her and perform the same hand choreography. 


Music – The music quietens to a piano solo.


Scenery – A white screen with a red footer has large black text across the centre. The text reads, “Applications are open for September 2021. For more information, visit: Instagram: @creativeartslcc”


Music – The uplifting instrumental fades to silence.


Video Transcript

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Interviewee –  Jayne Exton. Programme Manager, Performing Arts  (SPEAKING) / Charlie. Student, Dance [course title] (SPEAKING) / Rachel. Student, Acting [course title] (SPEAKING) / Dan. Student, Level Three Musical Theatre (SPEAKING).


Music – A soft, uplifting acoustic guitar melody with a soft string accompaniment plays.


Scenery –  A large group of learners stand, stretch and chat together in the corner of a brightly lit room with rubber flooring. A tutor wearing black leggings with a floral print section runs to the front of the room and gains their attention. The camera cuts to the learners evenly spaced across the room, spinning and turning in synchronicity. They perform a second spin in the opposite direction, with their arms held above their heads. The camera cuts to a trio of learners dancing together in hip-hop/new-style choreography while looking directly at the camera and smiling. They wear black jogging bottoms and cropped T-shirts. The camera cuts to a woman with chin-length, auburn hair in a side parting. She has a fair pink-tinted complexion and wears a grey and silver scarf. 


Music – A gentle kick drum adds to the uplifting instrumental. 


Speaker: Jayne Exton – “Hi, I’m Jane Exton; I’m a Programme Manager of Performing Arts in the School of Creative Arts at Leeds City College…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to a large rehearsal room, with pairs of students standing in situ, creating a scene. In the middle, a pair of students sit on the floor. 


Speaker: Jayne Exton – “On our performing arts courses, we specialise in different pathways in acting, dance and musical  theatre…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to the two students sitting cross-legged with their knees to their chests and arms wrapped around them. To the right, a student with fair, rosy-tinted skin and brown hair with a blunt fringe and headband fondly looks at the learner to her right. He has warm olive-tanned skin, a short beard and short brown hair with a long side-swept fringe. He speaks expressively, looking at an off-screen audience. The camera cuts to a dark, red-light stage view. Two learners sit on a sofa in period, gentleman’s costume, as a third learner clambers over to sit in the middle.


Music – The uplifting instrumental continues.


Speaker: Jayne Exton – “We have Level One courses which help to build enthusiasm and social skills. Our Level Two course is a foundation year to prepare for the Level Three, which is equivalent to our A Level standard at College…”


Scenery – As Jane speaks, the camera cuts to a close-up of a stage lit with warm red and orange lights. A line of learners perform in costume, dancing behind a single student with arm and hand-focused choreography. The camera cuts to a brightly-lit dance rehearsal room with a full class. A tutor stands to the front and shouts encouragement as she and the learners high kick on the spot with their arms by their hips. The camera cuts to a dark stage with a deep pink glow. A line of ballet dancers elegantly move their arms between the fifth and first positions. The camera cuts to a close-up of a group of dancers, backlit by bright natural light from a window. They hit clear positions and move from side to side in hip-hop/new-style choreography.


Scenery – The camera cuts to a white, light room. A woman with a pale, rose-toned complexion and light auburn hair sits in front of a mirrored wall and ballet barre.


Speaker: Charlie – “Hi, my name’s Charlie, and I’m studying Dance at Leeds City College…”


Scenery – A bright glare backlights a group of learners who vigorously step and jump together. The camera cuts to a group of learners with their arms extended high above their heads, before sweeping them down and standing tall.


Music – Toms and hi-hats add vibrance to the instrumental. More instruments join.


Speaker: Charlie – “Well, I think if you’re wanting to do Dance at Leeds City College, I think that one of the things you need to remember is that you’re not just focusing on one style. So like, I- I’ve come from, like, a contemporary background, so that’s all I’ve ever done…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to a close-up of Charlie dancing in a group. She sweeps up from a low position, rolls her body forward and continues with her right arm raised at her shoulder. 


Speaker: Charlie – “And then I started the year, and I’ve never done Jazz before, I’ve never done Urban before, so I was literally kind of thrown in the deep end…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to a tutor in a dance studio wearing a clear full-face guard, instructing a group of students who stand in a semi-circle in front of her. The tutor has her hands vertically raised above her head, with fists clenched, and the students begin to mimic her. The camera cuts to a high angle showing the top of students’ heads. A sea of hands slowly appears as they raise their arms and outstretch their fingers. 


Speaker: Charlie – “But actually, it was a fun experience because, like, everyone’s really supportive. Like the students are really supportive, the teachers are really supportive – like they’ll help you when you need help…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to a group of learners performing urban choreography on a pink-lit stage. They jump and front-kick together, pulling faces with attitude. The camera cuts to the same group of students, wearing different clothing, spinning and pirouetting across a red-lit stage in ballet-style choreography. The camera cuts to the same group of students, now wearing all black, on an orange-lit stage, dancing in a contemporary style. The camera cuts a learner dancing in the centre and others towards the back. She pirouettes in place as four learners stride and plié towards her.


Music – The uplifting instrumental continues.


Speaker: Charlie“And I think it’s just a good idea to have, like, a broad aspect of all the different styles to make you more kind of diverse. And, like, the more diverse you are, the more work you’re gonna get when you leave.”


Scenery – The camera cuts to a group of learners dancing in a contemporary style, focusing on a dancer with fair, slightly tanned skin wearing a grey vest. He slowly rises from a crouched position and tilts his head upwards and to the right. The camera cuts to a student with pale, rosy skin, dark blonde, type 2 hair and braces. She sits in a grey, light room with a monitor in the background.


Music – The uplifting instrumental continues.


Speaker: Rachel – “I’m Rachel, and I’m studying Acting at Leeds City College…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to three learners performing on stage. A learner sits in the middle on a grey sofa and looks upset as the others speak; she holds a microphone and looks up before speaking. 


Speaker: Rachel – “So, the unique selling point to the course is definitely the tutors. The tutors are great, they’re all really kind and comforting, and you never feel embarrassed to do anything…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to a learner performing to the camera, on stage. He has a rich tanned complexion, type 3 brown hair with short sides and wears a black puffer jacket. He gestures his hands and speaks expressively. The camera cuts and pans to the same learner, now practising with a peer while being observed by a tutor. The camera cuts to a theatre rehearsal room filled with students all frozen in frame. In the forefront, a student with short brown hair and a warm fair complexion stands with his arms raised as if pushing against a door. The camera cuts back to Rachel.


Music – The uplifting instrumental continues.


Speaker: Rachel – “And I feel like my confidence has really grown because of the tutors, and how they encourage you to step out your comfort zone and work with different people…”


Scenery – The camera rises from a stage floor to show three costumed learners performing while sitting on a sofa. Two learners comfort the third, who sits in the middle, and another costumed learner approaches and points at them. The camera cuts to two students sitting with their backs against each other on a purple-lit stage floor; they move to look around before swirling around each other to stand. 


Music – The original, stripped-back instrumental returns.


Speaker: Rachel – “As well as the classes; they’re quite big classes, so you get to work with loads of different types of people and loads of different types of actors…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to a spotlit stage. Two learners perform so close to each other that their faces almost touch. They appear to have been arguing; the learner on the left storms off with disgust. The camera cuts to a learner sitting and performing on stage. He wears thick-framed black glasses and looks down in sadness. A learner wearing a green shirt approaches him. The camera cuts to a student sitting in a light grey room; he has a fair complexion, light blonde hair and a fine, short beard. He speaks with a Yorkshire Accent.


Speaker: Dan – “Hi, my name’s Dan. I’m studying Level Three Musical Theatre at Leeds City College…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to focus on Dan rehearsing with a group of learners. In sync, they clutch their fists together, wave and then spiral their arms to the side before crouching and turning back to the front with their hands positioned over their mouth. The camera cuts back to Dan.


Speaker: Dan – “So, the average structure of the week is, basically, we just focus on all three disciplines of singing, acting and dancing, and we go into detail about them…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to a stage performance in period costume. A learner stands on a chair while others surround and clamour to reach him while shaking their outstretched hands. The camera cuts to three learners in front of red velvet curtains, turning and dancing next to old-fashioned microphones. 


Music – Additional instruments join the uplifting melody.


Speaker: Dan – “Erm, a lot of circuit training, it’s very intense. A lot of warm-ups. I’m, er, currently struggling on my flexibility, but I’m developing that skill, erm, over time…”


Scenery – The camera cuts to a red-lit stage with a projection in the background. A learner performs a cartwheel, spins to the front and turns to stride away. The camera cuts to a learner on stage, passionately performing and singing. The camera cuts to a tutor moving her hands expressively and speaking as she walks through a rehearsal studio of learners standing behind chairs. The camera cuts to the same tutor demonstrating a clasped hand and arm move to the learners. The camera cuts to the tutor, now guiding Dan, as other students watch in the background. She claps her hands together, then raises her arm vertically in demonstration as he focuses intensely and nods. The camera cuts back to Dan as he speaks expressively.


Speaker: Dan – “Erm, and with acting, just looking at focusing on so many different skills like concentration, erm, spatial awareness, eye contact and how, like, subtle things can have such an effect on performances. And we just go into so much detail, and there’s so much knowledge that I’ve acquired over these past few months. I just think it’s incredible.”


Scenery – A white screen with a red footer has large black text across the centre. The text reads, “Applications are open for September 2021. For more information, visit: Instagram: @creativeartslcc”


Music – The uplifting instrumental fades to silence.

Who is this course for?

Those who love to sing, dance and act. Students who enjoy performing and want to take their skills forward. You will work on key dance styles such as jazz and urban, develop your singing voice and build new acting skills. This course is a stepping stone to the Level 3 Musical Theatre programme.

Course units/modules

  • Skills Development for Performing Arts
  • Professional Development
  • Creative Interpretation
  • Audition and Portfolio Process
  • Preparing for a Performing Arts Production
  • Performing Arts Production
  • Responding to a Progression Opportunity

Benefits and skills

  • Develop your musical theatre and acting skills
  • Build your confidence on and off stage
  • Explore Jazz and Urban dance
  • Create your own performance material
  • Prepare for an individual showcase to highlight your creative talent.
  • Develop the specialist techniques to strengthen and enhance your vocals
  • Work in the performing arts industry to a professional standard.
  • Enhance your knowledge about working in the performing arts industry
  • Entry requirements

    Four GCSEs at grade 3 or equivalent.

    Available Apprenticeships and Progression options

    Progression may include a level 3 qualification, an apprenticeship, or relevant employment.

    Course details

    Duration: 1 year
    Start Date: 09/09/2024
    Fees (16-18): No fee
    Study Type: Full time
    Course Code: 67622-01
    Fees (Adult): £2,111 plus exam fee of £114

    Please note that for all courses starting on 9th September, there will be an induction week, WC 2nd September.

    Employment Statistics

    • Managers and proprietors in other services n.e.c.

      Average Salary
    • Leisure and sports managers

      Average Salary

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