What Our Students Say
Did you know!
- There are 21,398 jobs in Teaching and Education in Leeds (Emsi, 2019).
- Teaching and Educational roles in Leeds are due to grow by 2.3% (Emsi, 2019).
About Teacher Training & Assessing
Empower and educate the next generation of learners, or upskill and adapt to the ever-evolving practices within education studies. It doesn’t matter what your subject area is, our array of teacher training qualifications and apprenticeships will supply you with everything you need to succeed as a teacher.
What are assessment qualifications? The Award in Assessing Candidates (Assessor) is designed for people who want to assess NVQ/SVQ/RQF candidates. You’ll gain the skills needed for collecting and judging evidence of competence.
You will participate in two training workshops, one-to-one-meetings, and all assessment and quality assurance activities relating to your qualification. You will also receive registration and certification fees with the awarding organisation.
We also offer multiple apprenticeships, ranging from level 5 to level 7.
We are committed to making sure all students and staff are protected from harm. All staff are trained in safeguarding and child protection, and our dedicated Safeguarding team is on hand for advice and support. Don’t stay silent, we are here for you.
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Employment Statistics
Average salaries of the careers in this subject area are:
Further education teaching professionals
Average Salary£42,120
Special needs education teaching professionals
Average Salary£37,960
Higher education teaching professionals
Average Salary£62,920
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