Supported Engagement

Available at the following campuses:

What Our Students Say

“When I first came I didn’t know anybody at the college but because it’s people you’re surrounded by and people with similar interests to you, you do make friends quickly and you make really close friendships with people because you’re listening to the same things and you’re going through the same things, and you can help each other as well.”


“I’m working really well with my tutors – they’re really supportive and we just have a laugh. It’s like a really nice atmosphere. I think the facilities are really fantastic.”


“Because I’ve got autism and I’d sometimes have trouble understanding things – because I need stuff breaking down into detail and explaining to me in a perfect way, in a much more understanding way, I have tutors that understand me a bit more.”


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About Supported Engagement

What we offer at Supported Engagement

Our Supported Engagement provision is based within a small learning zone in Park Lane Campus. Our focus is to support young people aged 16 to 24 to access education and employment. The students may have missed periods of education in the past, have an education, health and care plan (EHCP), or may be becoming disengaged from education. We also nurture students who have social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH) or special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Staff are SEMH trained to support students using relational and restorative practice and to re-engage positively with education. Working in bespoke facilities, students can choose between a range of vocational courses such as; Art & Design, Business, Science and Sport. Class sizes are small, staff to student ratios are high and innovative learning enabling students to gain English and Maths qualifications alongside their vocational study programme.


We are committed to making sure all students and staff are protected from harm. All staff are trained in safeguarding and child protection, and our dedicated Safeguarding team is on hand for advice and support. Don’t stay silent, we are here for you.
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